Sizzle n Slide....salsa style

12:57 PM Posted In , , Edit This 1 Comment »

Since starting my blog in 2008, I haven’t really mentioned anything about Salsa dancing, which is my favorite form of dancing. Salsa was something I always wanted to learn, but never got the chance to. But I finally joined salsa classes & realized that I truly love it. 

My 1st salsa class was quite memorable, as are most of the 1st classes I've attended till now, for different stuff. It was a Monday evening (around 7pm), I entered the wrong class (which I've done a lot in the past) but atleast I figured out that it was the wrong class within a few seconds :D, after which I went to the right class (thank god). The instructors had already started teaching the basic step, which was, and still is, a very boring '1 2 3, 5 6 7, 1 2 3, 5 6 7, 1 2 3, 5 6 7'.We were doing the same step for atleast 20 mins and I was fed up (I'm not known for my patience).I decided to leave and go home. As I left the class, I heard the instructors mention that they would teach us ‘right’ and ‘left’ turns in the forthcoming class. 
The next class was on Wednesday at 7pm, and till 6:50pm I decided not to go cuz I thought it would be the same as Monday. But something in me just wouldn’t let go and within 5 minutes, I was ready, and rushed to class (right on the dot 7pm). In I went to learn the turns, all the time praying that it wouldn't be the same old 1 2 3, 5 6 7....But the turns were different even if they followed the same beats for the song, so I was glad I went for the class.

After that class, I was a regular student for the classes. I don't know what made me go for the Wednesday's class but I'm really glad I did. Learning salsa has been the most interesting and most fun thing I've ever learnt. In fact I became so hooked that at 1 point I was wondering why I didn’t get a degree in salsa.

People who love dancing should definitely try out salsa, it’s totally awesome. I know they won’t have any regrets.

Man's Best Friend

7:32 PM Posted In , , Edit This 2 Comments »

Dogs are called "man's best friend" and for good reason. They are loyal companions, they're friendly, affectionate and always by your side.

How many people are there in this world who care about you and only you??

How many people are there who love you just the way you are, without caring about money or power or looks or huge mansions??

How many are there in the world who would always be with you & not leave if you were to lose your job??

If there are such people, then they are very few. Truth is even if a person loves you, he/she will care atleast a little bit, or a lot about looks and money and power. It's only dogs (and maybe other animals too) who love you for who you are and only that.

Dogs are more than just a friendly animal presence at home that barks when it wants attention. They aren't just there for playing with people, running to fetch sticks or frisbees. They help relieve stress, tension, they ensure that you get exercise while taking them for walks, they have a keen sense of danger & are wonderful guard dogs.

All in all, they make wonderful pets but more than that they remain your loyal & faithful companion. 


3:16 PM Posted In , , , , Edit This 0 Comments »

Something so yummy, so divine & so gorgeous...

I can't understand what it is about the stuff that makes us love it so much. It doesn't help that, everyday there are more & more varieties of it. Just a few years back I was watching this channel dedicated to desserts. I couldn't believe the ideas people came up with using chocolate.

There were chocolate fountains as big as buildings (ok i'm exaggerating a lot but still they were huge.......and yum). There were pianos made of chocolate, shoes, bags, chess sets, houses with all the furniture and lotta other stuff too. All of it was so wonderfully made with every single detail, you just don't feel like eating any of it.

There's also an award for the best chocolate art. There were such wonderful ideas and the entries looked so beautiful but after the show they were given to kids who just destroyed them.....they just shoveled the entire thing into their mouths. Poor chocolates :( I just hated seeing them get ruined. But I guess I would have done the same thing too, maybe not so uncontrolled.

Chocolate is the food of the gods. And if people come up with such awesome delights, then there's gonna be no hope for chocoholics :)