Sizzle n Slide....salsa style

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Since starting my blog in 2008, I haven’t really mentioned anything about Salsa dancing, which is my favorite form of dancing. Salsa was something I always wanted to learn, but never got the chance to. But I finally joined salsa classes & realized that I truly love it. 

My 1st salsa class was quite memorable, as are most of the 1st classes I've attended till now, for different stuff. It was a Monday evening (around 7pm), I entered the wrong class (which I've done a lot in the past) but atleast I figured out that it was the wrong class within a few seconds :D, after which I went to the right class (thank god). The instructors had already started teaching the basic step, which was, and still is, a very boring '1 2 3, 5 6 7, 1 2 3, 5 6 7, 1 2 3, 5 6 7'.We were doing the same step for atleast 20 mins and I was fed up (I'm not known for my patience).I decided to leave and go home. As I left the class, I heard the instructors mention that they would teach us ‘right’ and ‘left’ turns in the forthcoming class. 
The next class was on Wednesday at 7pm, and till 6:50pm I decided not to go cuz I thought it would be the same as Monday. But something in me just wouldn’t let go and within 5 minutes, I was ready, and rushed to class (right on the dot 7pm). In I went to learn the turns, all the time praying that it wouldn't be the same old 1 2 3, 5 6 7....But the turns were different even if they followed the same beats for the song, so I was glad I went for the class.

After that class, I was a regular student for the classes. I don't know what made me go for the Wednesday's class but I'm really glad I did. Learning salsa has been the most interesting and most fun thing I've ever learnt. In fact I became so hooked that at 1 point I was wondering why I didn’t get a degree in salsa.

People who love dancing should definitely try out salsa, it’s totally awesome. I know they won’t have any regrets.